
Creating a safe environment for both the user and the service provider.

Germs and hazardous chemicals.

Hospitality industry includes restaurants, hotels, casinos, amusement parks, events, cruises, entertainment, and other tourism-related services. The spreading of germs and hazardous chemicals are amongst the five biggest health hazards in hospitality*.

*(Boutique Hotelier, 2018)


Spreading of germs.

Infectious diseases could be spread by contact on contaminated surfaces like a dirty countertop or door handle, and pathogens could enter your body through your eyes, mouth or a cut on your skin. 

Riding in a lift in close proximity with an infected person and bad unclean ventilation may expose you to risks of airborne diseases by inhaling the pathogens.

Hazardous chemicals.

Chemical hazard comes from the handling of toxic disinfectants and cleaning agents. Hazardous chemicals can cause injury to those who are handling them. 

For example, bleach being a popular cleaning chemical can cause burns and migraines.  If mixed with an acidic substance, deadly toxic fumes can be emitted into the air and poses a health risk to everyone exposed to it.  

Corrosive substances could also damage expensive equipment and furnishings.



The implementation of a strict hygiene and sanitation regime with a safe and effective disinfecting product is imperative to minimize health hazards.

  • The Microcyn® Technology used in Dermodacyn® Disinfecting Solution has obtained 16 FDAs and 20 CEs.  It is fast, safe and effective.  

  • It eliminates 99.99% of bacteria and viruses within 30 seconds, including H7N9, H5N1, MRSA, Straph and Strep, S. Aures, E. Coli, and human coronas virus. 

  • It is as safe as water and is harmless to be ingested or inhaled.  

  • It is non-corrosive, non-allergenic, and does not release any gases or chemicals.  

  • Simply apply to hands and hard surfaces to disinfect or diffuse in air to kill airborne viruses.




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