
Keeping travellers safe.

In 2019.

More than 4.54 billion scheduled passengers were boarded by the global airline industry*.  Commercial air transport is potentially an efficient means for spreading diseases widely.

*Statista 2020

Reduce the spread of infectious diseases by maintaining a hygienic environment.


Diseases could be transmitted on board aircrafts or in airport terminals by contact with pathogens, either airborne or deposited on surfaces or even entrained in ventilation systems. 


Microcyn® Technology is Boeing and Airbus approved. 


Apart from following a strict sanitation guideline, choosing a safe and effective disinfectant is equally important.  The Microcyn® Technology used in Dermodacyn® Disinfecting Solution fulfils all 8 recommended attributes for aircraft disinfectants (Guide to Hygiene and Sanitation in Aviation, WHO 2009).

  1. Safety of active ingredients for humans

    Ingredients are all natural, non-toxic, non-irritating. Contains no alcohol, antibiotics or steroids.

  2. Environmental safety 

    Does no harm to the environment.

  3. Spectrum of microbiocidal activity 

    Eliminates 99.99% of bacteria and viruses including H7N9, H5N1, MRSA, Straph and Strep, S. Aures and E. Coli, human coronas virus

  4. Materials compatibility 

    Non-corrosive and safe for repeated applications on hard environmental surfaces in aircraft cabins.

  5. Transport, storage and inventory control 

    Non-flammable and safe for transport and storage on aircraft

  6. Directions for use 

    Simple application procedures. Diffuse in air to target air borne particles or apply on any surface without rinsing.

  7. Speed of activity 

    Kills pathogens in 30 seconds.

  8. Freedom from off-gassing and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs)

    Does not release any gases, including corrosive gases (e.g. chlorine) and VOCs.  Non-allergenic, safe to be ingested or inhaled.


Microcyn® Technology is Boeing and Airbus approved.

Protecting passengers on planes.




During the COVID-19 pandemic the prospect of travel in a crowded, confined space is a concern for travellers. 




Incorporating Dermodacyn® in sanitation procedures

  • Fumigate travellers coming onboard at the boarding gate.

  • Diffuse in flight cabins in regular intervals throughout the flight to minimize airborne viruses

  • Place sanitizer stations near the boarding door and next to restroom entrances.

  • Frequent wipe down and disinfect high-touch surfaces.

  • Disinfect every interior surface before every flight.